SRS Direct
SRS Direct – Stay Connected to the Swarthmore-Rutledge School…Anytime…Anywhere!
SRS Direct is a mobile application that connects you to SRS by providing you with:
- Current and future events
- Current announcements
- Online Student Directory
Never miss another fundraiser, Home & School meeting or school event. We all get a lot of papers and emails sent home with information about what is going on at school. Far too often we put those papers in a pile and forget about them, only to be reminded about the event at the last minute. So if you are tired of baking cookies for that school event at midnight, SRS Direct can help!
Quickly view upcoming events, whether they be Home & School fundraisers, school events, delayed openings or school holidays.
Don’t remember those important announcements from a few weeks ago and can’t find the paperwork? Simply pick up SRS Direct and quickly find the information you need. You’ll never miss another Spirit Wear sale again!
Most importantly, SRS Direct offers you access to the student directory, on line, anywhere. You no longer need to carry your paper directory everywhere you go. Search students, get directions and even click to email or call parents.
I built this app so that all parents could stay connected to the SRS Home & School Association and the school. Life gets crazy sometimes and papers get lost. My son would have to constantly remind me that we needed to order a yearbook, send him to school in sneakers, attend a fundraiser… The list goes on. But with SRS Direct, I have everything at my fingertips. I can even move events to my iPhone’s calendar and set reminders. I’ll never miss another opportunity to be involved with SRS again!
Read the instructions for how to use SRS Direct here.
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